New sibling: Preparing your older child
How can I prepare my older child for a new sibling?
How should I introduce my older child to his or her new sibling?
What can I do to help my older child adjust to having a new sibling?
What should I do if my child begins to act out?
How can I encourage my older child to be gentle with the new baby?
How will my older child react to breast-feeding?
How do I explain a medical concern to my older child?
How do multiple babies affect older siblings?
How do I prepare my older child for an adopted sibling?
How will my older child react to seeing me breast-feed the new baby?
If you plan to breast-feed your newborn, you might wonder how your older child will react or how to keep your older child busy while you nurse. Your older child might hover upon first seeing you breast-feed. Explain what you're doing and answer any questions your child might have. If you breast-fed your older child, explain that you once did the same thing for him or her.
Consider creating a breast-feeding routine that involves your older child. He or she can play a special role, such as helping with a diaper change before the feeding or getting you a pillow. To keep your child entertained while you nurse, set out special toys or a workbook beforehand. Play music or audio versions of children's books. Invite your older child to cuddle with you while you nurse. If your older child asks if he or she can nurse, the decision is up to you. Most older children find the experience somewhat strange and lose interest.