Performance-enhancing drugs and teen athletes
Common performance-enhancing drugs
Why it happens
Hazards of performance-enhancing drugs
What parents can do
Help is available
Common performance-enhancing drugs
Why it happens
Hazards of performance-enhancing drugs
What parents can do
Help is available
Hazards of performance-enhancing drugs
Steroids and their precursors can have severe, long-lasting health effects. In growing adolescents one of the major risks of using anabolic steroid precursors is the permanent stunting of height. Other side effects include:
- Blood-clotting problems
- High blood pressure and cholesterol
- Irregular heartbeats
- Liver problems
- Mood swings
- Reduced sperm production
- Shrinking testicles
- Higher risk of infections such as HIV/AIDS if sharing needles
- Enlarged breasts in males, decreased breast size in women
- Irreversible hair loss
- Acne
Creatine can also cause nausea, abdominal pain and kidney damage. The risk of kidney damage is higher when combined with certain medications, including over-the-counter pain-relieving drugs.
Possible red flags that your teen is using performance-enhancing drug include:
- Behavioral, emotional or psychological changes — particularly increased aggressiveness ("roid rage")
- Changes in body build, including muscle growth, rapid weight gain and development of the upper body
- Increased acne
- Needle marks in the buttocks or thighs
- Enlarged breasts, male-pattern baldness and shrinking of the testicles in boys
- Smaller breasts, voice deepening and excessive growth of body hair in girls