Performance-enhancing drugs and teen athletes
Common performance-enhancing drugs
Why it happens
Hazards of performance-enhancing drugs
What parents can do
Help is available
Help is available
If you suspect that your teen is using performance-enhancing drugs, talk to him or her about the risks and benefits of using. You might come across as more credible to your teen if you're willing to discuss both sides of the issue. Also, talk to your teen about his or her long-term goals and how using performance-enhancing drugs might interfere with those plans.
If your teen admits to using performance-enhancing drugs, encourage him or her to stop immediately. Make an appointment for your teen to see his or her doctor for a check-up and counseling.
In addition, consider informing your teen's coach. Tell your teen that you're disappointed and enforce the consequences that you've established — such as quitting the team. Most importantly, emphasize healthy methods for achieving his or her goals.