Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Performance-enhancing drugs and teen athletes

What parents can do

To prevent your teen from using performance-enhancing drugs or supplements:

  • Focus on fun. Encourage your teen to focus on the fun of the game and self-improvement, rather than who scores or wins. Reassure your teen of your love and support, regardless of his or her performance.
  • Discuss ethics and proper training. Remind your teen that using a performance-enhancing drug is cheating and also could lead to serious health problems. Explain that a healthy diet and rigorous training are the proven keys to athletic performance.
  • Be clear about your expectations. Tell your teen that you expect him or her to avoid performance-enhancing drugs. Set rules and explain the consequences of breaking them.
  • Get involved. Attend games and practices. Encourage your teen's coaches, school and sports organizations to discourage the use of performance-enhancing drugs.
  • Keep an eye on your teen's purchases. Check the ingredients of any over-the-counter products your teen uses.

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