Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Postpartum care: What to expect after a vaginal birth

Sore breasts and leaking milk

Several days after delivery, your breasts might become firm, swollen and tender (engorgement). To ease discomfort, nurse, use a breast pump, apply warm washcloths or take a warm shower to express milk. Between feedings, place cold washcloths or ice packs on your breasts. Over-the-counter pain relievers might help, too.

If you're not breast-feeding, wear a firm, supportive bra, such as a sports bra, to help stop milk production. Don't pump or rub your breasts, which will cause your breasts to produce more milk. If feedings are painful, ask a lactation consultant for help.

If your breasts leak between feedings, wear nursing pads inside your bra to help keep your shirt dry. Change pads after each feeding and whenever they get wet.

If you're not breast-feeding your baby, wear a firm, supportive bra to help stop milk production. Don't pump your breasts or express the milk, which will cause your breasts to produce more milk.