Prenatal care: 3rd trimester visits
Repeat the usual drill
Detect cervical changes
Repeat routine health checks
Test for group B strep
Check the baby's position
Keep asking questions
Detect cervical changes
Repeat routine health checks
Test for group B strep
Check the baby's position
Keep asking questions
Check the baby's position
Near the end of pregnancy, your health care provider might check to see if your baby is positioned headfirst in the uterus.
If your baby is positioned rump-first (frank breech) or feet-first (complete breech) after week 36 of pregnancy, it's unlikely that the baby will move to a headfirst position before labor. You might be able to have an external cephalic version. During this procedure, your health care provider will apply pressure to your abdomen and physically manipulate your baby to a headfirst position. This is typically done with ultrasound guidance by an experienced doctor. If you prefer not to have this procedure, or if your baby remains in a breech position, your health care provider will discuss planning a C-section delivery.