Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Problem-solving techniques for stress management

Identify the problem

It's important to understand a problem before you can successfully solve it. Take time to analyze the problem. Write down a brief description of the problem you want to solve. Then ask yourself these questions:

  • What is happening?
  • Where and when is it happening?
  • Is it happening around certain people or in specific situations?
  • How do you feel about it?
  • What can you do about the situation?

Be specific and focus on issues. Try to avoid assigning blame. Now take a step back. Consider these questions to determine if the problem deserves the time you'll spend resolving it:

  • Is the problem really that big? Would others think so? Are you making a big deal out of something that is relatively trivial?
  • Will this problem matter in two years?
  • If you could solve this problem, would your life improve?
  • Is there any part of the problem over which you have control?

You can't change everything, so it's best to focus on issues you can realistically change and that will make a real difference in your level of stress. In other words: Choose your battles.