Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Problem-solving techniques for stress management

Select a solution

Of all your creative ideas — silly or serious — which has the most potential? You might want to consider:

  • Do you realistically think it will solve the problem?
  • How will using this solution make you feel in the end?
  • What are the possible positive and negative consequences?

When you've chosen what looks like the best solution, take another couple of minutes to think it through. Even the best solution may require fine-tuning. You might ponder:

  • Do you have the resources and, more important, the will to carry out your plan?
  • What new problems, if any, might the solution create?
  • What might go wrong? Can you correct this part of the plan?
  • What are the consequences if I choose a certain solution?

Don't be discouraged if your plan isn't perfect. A good long-term solution may temporarily generate new problems. That doesn't mean you should give up the plan, just that you need to be prepared to make course corrections or even switch to a plan B.