Safety tips for returning to school during COVID-19
Wear a mask
Keep hands clean
Clean and disinfect
Stay home if sick
Don't skip vaccinations
Get vaccinated
What to do if your child is exposed to COVID-19
Practice safe distancing
Social distancing, or physical distancing, is the practice of allowing enough space between individuals to reduce the spread of disease. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommend keeping at least 6 feet (2 meters) of space between yourself and people outside your household to meet these goals.
But that might not be practical in some schools or with younger children. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says following strict physical distancing can conflict with ideal academic, social and emotional learning standards. It's also not clear how easily COVID-19 spreads among children.
Steps to encourage social distancing during in-person schooling may include:
- Eliminating lockers or grouping them by student groups, or cohorts
- Creating one-way traffic in school hallways
- Using outdoor spaces when possible for instruction, meals and recess
- Reducing the number of children on school buses
- Spacing desks out and having them all face in the same direction
- Using physical barriers, such as plexiglass shields and partitions, to separate educators and students
- Dividing students up into distinct groups or cohorts that stay together during the school day and reducing interaction between different groups
Weighing the risks and benefits of in-person schooling for children may mean different levels of social distancing based on the child's age and developmental stage. For example, the AAP recommends allowing interactive play for preschoolers while encouraging cohorting of students and face coverings for older children.