Sex after pregnancy: Set your own timeline
What if I'm too tired to have sex?
What can I do to boost my sex drive?
After the baby is born, how soon can I have sex?
Will it hurt?
Will it feel different?
What about birth control?
What if I'm not interested in sex?
What can I do to boost my sex drive?
After the baby is born, how soon can I have sex?
Will it hurt?
Will it feel different?
What about birth control?
What if I'm not interested in sex?
What if I'm too tired to have sex?
Caring for a newborn is exhausting. If you're too tired to have sex at bedtime, say so. This doesn't mean your sex life has to end, however. Consider making love early in the morning, while your baby naps, or while your baby spends a few hours with a trusted friend or loved one.