Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Smoking cessation: Create a quit-smoking plan

Handling quit day

Getting through your quit day can be emotionally and physically challenging, especially if strong tobacco cravings strike. Try these tips to help manage your quit day:

  • Don't smoke, not even "just one."
  • Use nicotine replacement therapy if you've chosen that method.
  • If you are having strong cravings and withdrawal despite using medication, talk to your doctor about adjusting the medication plan to better control these symptoms.
  • Remind yourself of your reasons to stop smoking.
  • Drink plenty of water or juice.
  • Keep physically active.
  • Avoid situations and people that trigger your urge to smoke.
  • Attend a support group, counseling session or stop-smoking class.
  • Practice stress management and relaxation techniques.
  • Keep your hands busy with your cigarette substitutes or an activity, such as writing or knitting.
  • Keep your mind distracted when necessary with a book or crossword puzzle.

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