Supplements: Nutrition in a pill?
Keep up with supplement safety alerts
Supplements vs. whole foods
Who needs supplements?
Choosing and using supplements
Supplements vs. whole foods
Who needs supplements?
Choosing and using supplements
Choosing and using supplements
If you decide to take a supplement, it's important to:
- Check the label. Product labels can tell you what the active ingredient or ingredients are, which nutrients are included, the serving size, and the amount of nutrients in each serving.
- Avoid megadoses. Taking more than the recommended daily values can increase your risk of side effects.
- Watch what you eat. Vitamins and minerals are being added to a growing number of foods, including breakfast cereals and beverages. If you're also taking supplements, you may be getting more than you realize. Taking more than you need is expensive and can increase the risk of side effects.
- Tell your doctor. Supplements can cause harmful effects if taken in certain combinations, with certain prescription drugs, or before surgery or other procedures.
- Watch for alerts and recalls. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn't regulate supplements to the same degree as it does prescription drugs. But the FDA does monitor their safety. It's a good idea to periodically check the FDA website for warnings and recalls.
- Report problems. If you think that a dietary supplement may have caused you to have a serious reaction or illness, stop taking it and talk with your doctor. Your doctor may suggest that you go online and submit a safety report to the FDA.