Teen texting: Help your teen avoid the risks
Keep texting from interfering with sleep
Be aware of cyberbullying
Monitor your teen's messages
Enforce consequences
Don't allow texting while driving
Stop texting from keeping your teen up
Be honest about sexting
Talk about cyberbullying
Provide guidance and set limits
Be aware of cyberbullying
Monitor your teen's messages
Enforce consequences
Don't allow texting while driving
Stop texting from keeping your teen up
Be honest about sexting
Talk about cyberbullying
Provide guidance and set limits
Be aware of cyberbullying
Cyberbullying involves using an electronic medium to threaten or harm others. Being bullied as a child has been linked to mental health problems, impaired academic performance, substance abuse and violence.
Make sure your teen understands that it isn't acceptable to spread rumors or bully someone through texting or any other means. Remind your teen that any text message he or she sends can be saved or forwarded to anyone else, so it's important to use good judgment with every message.
Also, encourage your teen to talk to you or another trusted adult if he or she receives harassing text messages. Explain that you won't take away electronic privileges if he or she confides in you about a problem.