Teen texting: Help your teen avoid the risks
Keep texting from interfering with sleep
Be aware of cyberbullying
Monitor your teen's messages
Enforce consequences
Don't allow texting while driving
Stop texting from keeping your teen up
Be honest about sexting
Talk about cyberbullying
Provide guidance and set limits
Be aware of cyberbullying
Monitor your teen's messages
Enforce consequences
Don't allow texting while driving
Stop texting from keeping your teen up
Be honest about sexting
Talk about cyberbullying
Provide guidance and set limits
Don't allow texting while driving
Distracted driving can be deadly, especially for teens. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, teens were the largest age group reported as distracted at the time of fatal crashes in 2016. One source of distraction while driving for teens is texting.
Make sure your teen understands the risks of texting while driving. Tell your teen that texting while driving isn't allowed under any circumstances and set an example by avoiding the behavior. Create an agreement with your teen that commits you both to distraction-free driving.