Teen texting: Help your teen avoid the risks
Keep texting from interfering with sleep
Be aware of cyberbullying
Monitor your teen's messages
Enforce consequences
Don't allow texting while driving
Stop texting from keeping your teen up
Be honest about sexting
Talk about cyberbullying
Provide guidance and set limits
Be aware of cyberbullying
Monitor your teen's messages
Enforce consequences
Don't allow texting while driving
Stop texting from keeping your teen up
Be honest about sexting
Talk about cyberbullying
Provide guidance and set limits
Stop texting from keeping your teen up
Texting can interfere with teens' sleep, which they need for their growth, development and well-being.
A 2018 study suggests that texting at night is associated with teens going to bed later, spending less time in bed, feeling tired at school and having irregular sleep habits. Research also has shown that school-aged children and adolescents who sleep with mobile devices in their rooms are at greater risk of sleep disturbances.
Work with your teen to establish reasonable hours for texting — such as no texting after a certain hour on school nights. Keep your teen's phone out of his or her room at night.