Teenage pregnancy: Helping your teen cope
Understand the health risks
Provide support
Discuss the options
Promote proper prenatal care
Prepare for the future
Provide support
Discuss the options
Promote proper prenatal care
Prepare for the future
Promote proper prenatal care
Teens during pregnancy appear to be at increased risk of high blood pressure, anemia, premature birth, having low birth weight babies and experiencing postpartum depression. Encourage your teen to:
- Seek prenatal care. During pregnancy, regular prenatal visits can help your teen's health care provider monitor your teen's health and the baby's health. Teens might need specialized prenatal care.
- Get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If your teen has an STI, treatment is essential.
- Eat a healthy diet. During pregnancy, your teen will need more folic acid, calcium, iron and other essential nutrients. A daily prenatal vitamin can help fill any gaps.
- Stay physically active. Regular physical activity can help ease discomfort and boost your teen's energy level. Encourage your teen to get a health care provider's OK before starting or continuing an exercise program, especially if your teen has an underlying medical condition.
- Gain weight wisely. Gaining the right amount of weight can support the baby's health — and make it easier for your teen to lose weight after delivery.
- Avoid risky substances. Alcohol, tobacco and any illegal drugs are off-limits during pregnancy. Even use of supplements and prescription and over-the-counter medications deserve caution.
- Take childbirth classes. These classes can help prepare your teen for pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding and being a parent.
If your teen lacks the money or transportation to obtain prenatal care — or needs help finishing school — a counselor or social worker might be able to help.