Teens and sex: Protecting your teen's sexual health
Promoting abstinence
Discussing birth control options
Encouraging responsible behavior
The bottom line
Promoting abstinence
Discussing birth control options
Encouraging responsible behavior
The bottom line
Promoting abstinence
When broaching the topic of teens and sex, it's never too late to talk about abstinence. Whether you feel strongly that sex before marriage is wrong or you simply want your teen to postpone sex until he or she is more mature, explain your feelings to your teen. If you share the reasons behind your beliefs, your teen may be more likely to understand and adopt your values.
Also ask your teen to think about his or her own values and hopes for the future — and consider how sex might affect them. Explain that:
- Teens and sex can be a risky combination
- There are many nonsexual ways he or she can show feelings for someone
- The only sure way to prevent teen pregnancy and STIs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, human papillomavirus (HPV), herpes and HIV, is to abstain from sex — oral, vaginal and anal