Tips for building your child's resilience
What is resilience?
Is your child resilient?
How can you build your child's resilience?
Encourage supportive relationships
Promote core beliefs
Develop a growth mindset
Letting your child learn
Explore the power of 'yet'
Explore the power of 'yet'
Failure can also become a source of motivation for your child and serve as fuel to get him or her to work a little harder. Explore with your child how a different choice might have led to a different result. If your child feels defeated and says, "I can't," ask him or her to add the word "yet" to the end of the sentence. With increased effort, a new strategy or both, your child can try again — possibly with better results.
Also, think about your expectations. Consider your child's abilities and set the bar just high enough to give your child room to stretch and grow. Or let your child set the bar. If goals are always set within reach, your child will never fail or have the chance to understand his or her true capabilities.
Helping your child build resilience isn't an easy process. But by allowing your child to face challenges and develop strategies for dealing with them, you'll help prepare him or her to be an independent adult.