
Walking: Make it count with activity trackers

What are activity trackers?

Activity trackers, also known as activity monitors or fitness trackers, are the modern equivalent of pedometers. But they do more than count steps.

Activity trackers can determine how far you've traveled and what type of movement you were doing, such as walking or jogging. And many measure sleep quality and length, compute calorie intake and the number of calories burned, monitor your heart rate, and serve as alarm clocks or watches.

Some display your progress in real time; all can show it later on a smartphone, tablet or computer. They can even provide social support through apps or websites. And activity trackers can assist with your goal setting by giving cues and rewards to encourage healthy behaviors.

Many activity trackers are made to be worn on your wrist, like a watch or bracelet, although some can be clipped to your clothing. Most can be worn for 24 hours. Although they are not totally accurate, they are generally accurate and can provide some helpful activity information.

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