Water breaking: Understand this sign of labor
What will happen when my water breaks?
How can I be sure my water has broken?
After my water breaks, when will labor begin?
What happens if my water breaks too early?
What if my water doesn't break on its own?
What will happen when your water breaks?
How can you be sure your water has broken?
After your water breaks, when will labor begin?
What happens if your water breaks too early?
What if your water doesn't break on its own?
How can I be sure my water has broken?
After my water breaks, when will labor begin?
What happens if my water breaks too early?
What if my water doesn't break on its own?
What will happen when your water breaks?
How can you be sure your water has broken?
After your water breaks, when will labor begin?
What happens if your water breaks too early?
What if your water doesn't break on its own?
If you're pregnant, you might be curious about your water breaking — when it will happen, what it will feel like and what to do next. Recognize the signs of water breaking and know what it means for the timeline of your baby's delivery.