We know what to do. Why don't we do it?
You're focused on the 'shoulds' instead of the 'wants'
You're mad at yourself all the time
You're overlooking the nitty gritty
You're comparing yourself to others
You know you could improve your health with a few steps every day. But you haven't started. Or maybe you've tried a few times but lost steam.
Don't worry, it's not just you. Human brains are slow to change.
Why? Our brains rely on habits, from how we grocery shop to how we respond to criticism. Reliance and repetition make things easier for the brain, giving it less work to do. That means even if some of your habits are hurting you, your brain resists changing them.
So it can take some mental gymnastics to build new, healthy habits. The good news: Research shows that lasting change is totally possible. By being aware of the thought patterns that get in the way of achieving your goals, you can work with your brain to build new ones.
Use these tactics to challenge less-than-helpful thought patterns to build new habits.