Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

We know what to do. Why don't we do it?

You're comparing yourself to others

Comparison is an old habit of the human brain, whether it's your body, your bench press or your health progress. And it can get in the way of reaching your goals.

Research links the tendency to compare ourselves with others to lower self-esteem. And that link carries through to how people use social media. If you're measuring yourself against other people while scrolling, you might be making yourself feel worse.

But you can break the pattern.

Try this: Lean on supportive relationships. Schedule a walk or a coffee date with someone who makes you feel supported and supportive. Feeling connected to people you care about is linked to higher self-esteem and empathy.

If you're feeling low after scrolling through Facebook, take a break from the constant feed. One study showed that limiting social media to just 10 minutes a day per social platform for 3 weeks had a big impact on feelings of loneliness and depression.

Spending less time and energy on comparing yourself with others can help you feel better and bring you closer to your goals.

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