Weight training: Do's and don'ts of proper technique
Weight training don'ts
Follow these tips to avoid common mistakes when you're weight training:
- Don't skip the warmup. Cold muscles are more prone to injury than are warm muscles. Before you lift weights, warm up with five to 10 minutes of brisk walking or other aerobic activity.
- Don't rush. Move the weight in an unhurried, controlled fashion. Taking it slow helps you isolate the muscles you want to work and keeps you from relying on momentum to lift the weight. Rest for about one minute between each exercise.
- Don't overdo. For most people, completing one set of exercises to the point of fatigue is usually enough. Additional sets may take up extra time and contribute to overload injury. However, the number of sets that you perform may differ depending on your fitness goals.
- Don't ignore pain. If an exercise causes pain, stop. Try the exercise again in a few days or try it with less weight.
- Don't forget your shoes. Shoes that protect your feet and provide good traction can keep you from slipping or injuring your feet while you're lifting weights.
Remember, the more you concentrate on proper weight training technique, the more you'll get out of your weight training program.