Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Women's health: Prevent the top threats

Other preventive steps

Women are more vulnerable than men to lung damage from inhaled smoke and pollutants. This puts women at increased risk of illness and even death from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — which includes bronchitis and emphysema.

You can protect your respiratory health by not smoking and avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke, chemicals and other air pollutants. Also, to prevent respiratory infections, wash your hands often and get a yearly flu vaccine. Ask your doctor whether you need an immunization to prevent pneumonia as well.

Another common cause of death among women is motor vehicle accidents. To stay safe on the road, wear your seat belt. Follow the speed limit. Never drive under the influence of alcohol or any other substances, and don't drive distracted or while sleepy.

Don't feel overwhelmed by women's health risks. Instead, do whatever you can to lead a healthy lifestyle. Simple preventive measures can go a long way toward reducing your risks.

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