Working during pregnancy: Do's and don'ts
Easing nausea and vomiting
Handling fatigue
Staying comfortable
Keeping stress under control
Taking proper job precautions
Easing nausea and vomiting
Handling fatigue
Staying comfortable
Keeping stress under control
Taking proper job precautions
Staying comfortable
As your pregnancy progresses, everyday activities such as sitting and standing can become uncomfortable. Remember those short, frequent breaks to combat fatigue? Moving around every few hours also can ease muscle tension and help prevent fluid buildup in your legs and feet. Try these other strategies, too:
- Sitting. Using an adjustable chair with good lower back support can make long hours of sitting much easier — especially as your weight and posture change. If your chair isn't adjustable, use a small pillow or cushion to provide extra support for your back. Elevate your legs to decrease swelling.
- Standing. If you must stand for long periods of time, put one of your feet up on a footrest, low stool or box. Switch feet every so often and take frequent breaks. Wear comfortable shoes with good arch support. Consider wearing support or compression hose, too.
- Bending and lifting. Even when you're lifting something light, proper form can spare your back. Bend at your knees, not your waist. Keep the load close to your body, lifting with your legs — not your back. Avoid twisting your body while lifting.