Diseases and Conditions

Arteriovenous fistula


If your arteriovenous fistula is small and doesn't cause any other health problems, you may need only close monitoring by a doctor. Some small arteriovenous fistulas close by themselves without treatment.

If your arteriovenous fistula requires treatment, your doctor may recommend:

  • Ultrasound-guided compression. This may be an option for you if you have an arteriovenous fistula in your legs that's easily seen on ultrasound. In this treatment, an ultrasound probe is used to compress the fistula and block blood flow to the damaged blood vessels. This procedure takes about 10 minutes. But it only works for about 1 in 3 people.
  • Catheter embolization. In this procedure, a catheter is inserted in an artery near the arteriovenous fistula. Doctors use X-rays and other images to guide the catheter to your fistula. Then, a small coil or stent is placed at the site of your fistula to reroute your blood flow. Many people who have catheter embolization stay in the hospital for less than a day and can resume daily activities within a week.
  • Surgery. Large arteriovenous fistulas that can't be treated with catheter embolization may require surgery. The type of surgery you'll need depends on the size and location of your arteriovenous fistula.