Diseases and Conditions

Atrioventricular canal defect

Coping and support

Having a congenital heart defect or caring for a child with a congenital heart defect can be challenging. To help make it easier:

  • Seek support. Ask for help from family members and friends. Talk with your or your child's cardiologist about support groups and other types of assistance that are available near you.
  • Record your or your child's health history. Write down medications, surgery and other procedures and the dates they were performed. Include the medical report from the surgeon, and any other important information about your or your child's care. This information will be useful for doctors who are unfamiliar with you or your child. It will also help your child transition from pediatric to adult doctors.
  • Talk about your concerns for your child. Many children with atrioventricular canal defect will have no limitations. But talk with the cardiologist about activities that are safe for your child. If some are off-limits, encourage your child in other pursuits rather than focusing on what he or she can't do.

Although every circumstance is different, remember that many children with congenital heart defects grow up to lead healthy lives.