Diseases and Conditions

Cystic fibrosis


Pay attention to nutrition and fluid intake

Cystic fibrosis can cause malnourishment because the enzymes needed for digestion can't reach your small intestine, preventing food from being absorbed. People with CF may need a much higher number of calories daily than do people without the condition.

A healthy diet is important to growth and development and to maintain good lung function. It's also important to drink lots of fluids, which can help thin the mucus in your lungs. You may work with a dietitian to develop a nutrition plan.

Your doctor may recommend:

  • Pancreatic enzyme capsules with every meal and snack
  • Medications to suppress acid production
  • Supplemental high-calorie nutrition
  • Special fat-soluble vitamins
  • Extra fiber to prevent intestinal blockage
  • Extra salt, especially during hot weather or before exercising
  • Adequate water intake, especially during hot weather

Keep vaccinations up to date

In addition to receiving other usual childhood vaccines, people with cystic fibrosis should have the annual flu vaccine and any other vaccines their doctors recommend, such as the vaccine to prevent pneumonia. CF doesn't affect the immune system, but children with CF are more likely to develop complications when they become sick.


Regular exercise helps loosen mucus in your airways and strengthens your heart. Because people with cystic fibrosis are living longer, maintaining good cardiovascular fitness for a healthy life is important. Anything that gets you moving, including walking and biking, can help.

Eliminate smoke

Don't smoke, and don't allow other people to smoke around you or your child. Secondhand smoke is harmful for everyone, but especially for people with cystic fibrosis, as is air pollution.

Encourage hand-washing

Teach all the members of your family to wash their hands thoroughly before eating, after using the bathroom, when coming home from work or school, and after being around a person who is sick. Hand-washing is the best way to protect against infection.

Attend medical appointments

You'll have ongoing care from your doctor and other medical professionals.

  • Make sure to attend your regular follow-up appointments.
  • Take your medications as prescribed and follow therapies as instructed.
  • Talk to your doctor about how to manage symptoms and the warning signs of serious complications.