Diseases and Conditions

Factitious disorder

Preparing for an appointment

A person with factitious disorder is likely to first receive care for this condition when a doctor raises concerns that psychological problems may be a factor in the illness. If your loved one has symptoms that suggest factitious disorder, his or her doctor may contact you in advance — with the patient's permission — to talk about your loved one's health history.

Here's some information to help you get ready for that talk.

What you can do

If your loved one gives permission for his or her doctor to contact you or meet with you, take steps to get prepared. Make a list of:

  • Your loved one's health history in as much detail as possible. Include health complaints, diagnoses, medical treatments and procedures. If possible, bring the names and contact information of health care professionals or facilities that provided care. Be prepared to help your loved one sign releases of information to get records and allow for conversations with other health care professionals.
  • Any current behaviors or circumstances you observe that cause you to be concerned that your loved one may have factitious disorder.
  • Key points from your loved one's personal history, including abuse or other trauma that occurred during childhood and any significant recent losses.
  • Medications your loved one currently takes, including supplements and over-the-counter and prescription drugs, and the dosages.
  • Your questions for the doctor so that you can make the most of your discussion.

For factitious disorder, some questions to ask the doctor include:

  • What is likely causing my loved one's symptoms or condition?
  • Are there other possible causes?
  • How will you determine the diagnosis?
  • Is this condition likely temporary or long lasting?
  • What treatments are recommended for this disorder?
  • How much do you expect treatment could improve the symptoms?
  • How will you monitor my loved one's well-being over time?
  • Do you think family therapy will be helpful in this case?
  • What next steps should we take?

What to expect from the doctor

The doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions, including:

  • What injuries or illnesses has your loved one recently complained of or been treated for in the past?
  • Has your loved one been diagnosed with any specific medical problem?
  • What treatments has he or she had, including drugs and surgery?
  • How often has your loved one changed doctors or hospitals in the past?
  • Have any doctors, friends or family had concerns that your loved one may be causing or contributing to his or her illness?
  • Have any doctors, friends or family had concerns that your loved one may be causing or contributing to illness in another person?
  • How have your loved one's symptoms affected his or her career and personal relationships?
  • Do you know if he or she ever had a self-inflicted injury or attempted suicide?
  • Did he or she suffer any other trauma during childhood, such as a serious illness, loss of a parent or abuse?
  • Have you talked to your loved one about your concerns?