Diseases and Conditions



To view the mechanics of your feet, your doctor will observe your feet from the front and back and ask you to stand on your toes. He or she might also look at the wear pattern on your shoes.

Imaging tests

If you're having a lot of pain in your feet, your doctor may order tests such as:

  • X-rays. A simple X-ray uses a small amount of radiation to produce images of the bones and joints in your feet. It's particularly useful in detecting arthritis.
  • CT scan. This test takes X-rays of your foot from different angles and provides much more detail than a standard X-ray.
  • Ultrasound. If your doctor suspects an injured tendon, he or she may request this test, which uses sound waves to produce detailed images of soft tissues within the body.
  • MRI. Using radio waves and a strong magnet, MRIs provide excellent detail of both hard and soft tissues.

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