Diseases and Conditions

Fuchs' dystrophy


As the disease progresses, Fuchs' dystrophy symptoms, which usually affect both eyes, might include:

  • Blurred or cloudy vision, sometimes described as a general lack of clarity of vision.
  • Fluctuation in vision, with worse symptoms in the morning after awakening and gradually improving during the day. As the disease progresses, blurred vision either can take longer to improve or doesn't improve.
  • Glare, which can decrease your vision in dim and bright light.
  • Seeing halos around lights.
  • Pain or grittiness from tiny blisters on the surface of your cornea.

When to see a doctor

If you have some of these symptoms, and especially if they worsen over time, see an eye care provider, who might then refer you to a corneal specialist. If symptoms develop suddenly, call for an urgent appointment. Other eye conditions that cause the same symptoms as Fuchs' dystrophy also require prompt treatment.