Raynaud's disease
Alternative medicine
Lifestyle changes and supplements that encourage better blood flow might help you manage Raynaud's. However, it's unclear how well these measures may work for Raynaud's. More study is needed. If you're interested, talk to your doctor about:
- Fish oil. Taking fish oil supplements could help improve your tolerance to cold.
- Ginkgo. Ginkgo supplements could help decrease the number of Raynaud's attacks.
- Acupuncture. This practice appears to improve blood flow, so it may be helpful in relieving Raynaud's attacks.
Biofeedback. Using your mind to control body temperature might help decrease the severity and number of attacks you experience. Biofeedback includes guided imagery to increase the temperature of hands and feet, deep breathing, and other relaxation exercises.
Your doctor may be able to suggest a therapist who can help you learn biofeedback techniques. There are books and videos on the subject.
Talk to your doctor before taking supplements. Your doctor can warn you if there are potential drug interactions or side effects of alternative treatments.