Diseases and Conditions

Scrotal masses


Signs and symptoms of scrotal masses vary depending on the abnormality. Signs and symptoms might include:

  • An unusual lump
  • Sudden pain
  • A dull aching pain or feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  • Pain that radiates throughout the groin, abdomen or lower back
  • Tender, swollen or hardened testicle
  • Tender, swollen or hardened epididymis (ep-ih-DID-uh-miss), the soft, comma-shaped tube above and behind the testicle that stores and transports sperm
  • Swelling in the scrotum
  • Redness of the skin of the scrotum
  • Nausea or vomiting

If the cause of a scrotal mass is an infection, signs and symptoms also might include:

  • Fever
  • Urinary frequency
  • Pus or blood in the urine

When to see a doctor

Seek emergency medical care if you develop sudden pain in your scrotum. Some conditions require prompt treatment to avoid permanent damage to a testicle.

See your doctor if you detect a lump in your scrotum, even if it's not painful or tender, or if you experience other symptoms of a scrotal mass.

Some scrotal masses are more common in children. See your doctor if your child experiences symptoms of a scrotal mass, if you have any concerns about the development of the genitals or if a testicle is �missing� � an undescended or retractile testicle, which might increase the risk of some scrotal masses later in life.

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