Diseases and Conditions


Lifestyle and home remedies

In addition to professional treatment, here are some important self-care tips:

  • Stick to your treatment plan. Keep therapy appointments and take prescribed medications as directed.
  • Recognize the situations or feelings that might trigger your desire to self-injure. Make a plan for other ways to soothe or distract yourself or to get support, so you're ready the next time you feel the urge to self-injure.
  • Ask for help. Keep your doctor or mental health professional's phone number handy, and tell him or her about all incidents related to self-injury. Appoint a trusted family member or friend as the person you'll immediately contact if you have an urge to self-injure or if self-injuring behavior recurs.
  • Take care of yourself. Learn how to include physical activity and relaxation exercises as a regular part of your daily routine. Eat healthy. Ask your doctor for advice if you have sleep problems, which can significantly affect your behavior.
  • Avoid alcohol and recreational drugs. They affect your ability to make good decisions and can put you at risk of self-injury.
  • Take appropriate care of your wounds if you injure yourself or seek medical treatment if needed. Call a family member or friend for help and support. Don't share instruments used for self-injury — that raises the risk of infectious disease.