Diseases and Conditions

Vaginal agenesis


Depending on your age, your pediatrician or gynecologist will diagnose your condition based on your medical history and a physical exam. Vaginal agenesis diagnosis can happen at different times in your life, for instance:

  • As a baby, if your parents or doctor discover that you have no vaginal or anal opening
  • As a young girl, during an examination for a suspected kidney problem
  • During puberty, when your menstrual periods don't start even after you've developed breasts and have underarm and pubic hair

To determine your treatment options, your doctor may recommend other testing, including:

  • Blood tests. Blood tests to assess your chromosomes and measure your hormone levels can confirm your diagnosis and rule out other conditions.
  • Ultrasound. Ultrasound images show your doctor whether you have a uterus and ovaries and where your kidneys are located.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An MRI gives your doctor a detailed picture of your reproductive tract and kidneys.