Head lice prevention: What works, what doesn't?
There are proven remedies to treat lice, but some over-the-counter products claim to actually repel them. More scientific research is needed to prove the safety and efficacy of these products.
Small clinical studies have suggested that ingredients in some of these products — mostly plant oils such as tea tree, anise, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus and lemongrass — may work to repel lice, but their effectiveness is uncertain. Additionally, these products are classified as natural, so they aren't regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and they haven't been tested to FDA standards.
Because instructions for using these products aren't regulated either, it may not be clear how to use them safely. In fact, some products may:
- Be flammable
- Irritate the lungs if fumes are inhaled
- Be toxic or irritate skin
Head lice prevention products can also be more expensive than typical hair care products, and they need to be used repeatedly to maintain their protective effects. Without a guarantee that the product will work, the cost may outweigh the benefits, especially if you're treating more than one person.
Until more research proves the effectiveness of head lice prevention products, you can take simple measures to minimize your child's risk of getting lice:
- Ask your child to avoid head-to-head contact with classmates during play and other activities.
- Instruct your child not to share personal belongings such as hats, scarves, coats, combs, brushes, hair accessories and headphones.
- Tell your child to avoid shared spaces where hats and clothing from more than one student are hung on a common hook or kept in a locker.