Hernia truss: Can it help an inguinal hernia?
An inguinal hernia occurs when tissue, such as part of the intestine, protrudes through a weak point or tear in the abdominal muscles. The resulting bulge can be painful, especially when you cough, bend over or lift a heavy object. Inguinal hernias are more common in men.
A hernia truss or belt is a supportive undergarment for men designed to keep the protruding tissue in place and relieve discomfort. If you have an inguinal hernia, a hernia truss can help you feel more comfortable temporarily, but it doesn't treat the hernia.
Talk to your doctor if you want to use a truss. It may help to improve some of your hernia-related symptoms. Your doctor can instruct you on proper usage of the truss.
Surgery is often needed to repair a hernia. Untreated hernias may remain without symptoms, or they may grow and become increasingly bothersome. Serious, even life-threatening, complications can occur. However, this is a rare problem.
If your hernia is small and isn't bothering you, your doctor may recommend watchful waiting. If your hernia is causing discomfort, don't rely on a hernia truss. See your doctor to discuss treatment options.