Second pregnancy: Different from the first pregnancy?
Every pregnancy is different — and there's no way to predict what your next pregnancy will be like.
However, during a second pregnancy you might notice a few differences from your first pregnancy, including:
- Different breast changes. Your breasts might not be as tender or increase in size as much during your next pregnancy.
- Showing earlier. Many women feel that they show earlier during their second pregnancy. This could be because their prior pregnancy stretched their abdominal muscles.
- Feeling the baby move earlier. You might feel the baby move earlier during your second pregnancy simply because you know what to look for.
- Changes in Braxton Hicks contractions. You might notice false labor contractions earlier during your second pregnancy.
- Shorter labor. Labor might be shorter in a second pregnancy.
Also, keep in mind that if you had any complications during your first pregnancy, such as premature birth, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, fetal growth restriction or postpartum depression, you might be at increased risk of the same problem in your second pregnancy or later pregnancies. Be sure to talk to your health care provider about signs and symptoms to be aware of and any steps you can take to reduce your risk.