Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Setbacks and criticism — Don't let them derail you

There are no easy answers, but there are some tactics that might help.

  • Remind yourself that because someone says something doesn't make it true. J. K. Rowling, who wrote the "Harry Potter" series, was rejected by a number of agents before one asked to read it. She is now one of the highest-paid authors in the world.
  • Avoid letting the judgments and decisions of other people undercut your sense of well-being. Your peace of mind is a precious gift. Don't give it away.
  • Admit when you make a mistake or are at fault. Acknowledge your error, learn from it and then move on.
  • Keep things in perspective. In a year or two, will these events really matter? The answer is in all likelihood that they won't.

Aim to find a way to put setbacks behind you and move forward with grace, dignity and humility.