Grilled salmon
Dietition's Tip
Grilled lemons are a great accompaniment for this dish. Grilling them, cut-side down, alongside the salmon. Grilled lemons have a sweeter, concentrated flavor.
- 2 fillets (4 ounces each) salmon
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Heat a grill or cast-iron skillet to medium heat. Spray cooking spray on the cooking surface and on one side of the salmon fillets. Season the sprayed side of the fillets with salt and pepper. Lay the fillets, seasoned-side down, on the cooking surface and cook for about 3 minutes. Turn the fillets 90 degrees and cook for another 3 minutes.
Spray the top of the fillets with cooking spray and flip them over. Cook for about 3 minutes, turn 90 degrees, and cook for another 3 minutes until the fish is cooked through.