
Numbness in hands

Definition Causes When to see a doctor

When to see a doctor

It's important to determine the cause of hand numbness. If numbness persists or spreads to other parts of your body, consult your doctor for an evaluation.

Treatment of numbness in your hands depends on the underlying cause.

Call 911 or get emergency medical help if your numbness:

Begins suddenly, particularly if it's accompanied by weakness or paralysis, confusion, difficulty talking, dizziness, or a sudden, severe headache.

Schedule an office visit if your numbness:

  • Begins or worsens gradually and persists
  • Spreads to other parts of your body
  • Affects both sides of your body
  • Comes and goes
  • Seems related to certain tasks or activities, particularly repetitive motions
  • Affects only a part of your hand, such as a finger