Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes
Sugar alcohols and novel sweeteners
Moderation is key with sugar substitutes
Understanding artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes
Natural sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners
Uses for artificial sweeteners
Possible health benefits of artificial sweeteners
Possible health concerns with artificial sweeteners
Novel sweeteners
Sugar alcohols
Uses for sugar alcohols
Possible health benefits of sugar alcohols
Possible health concerns with sugar alcohols
Uses for natural sweeteners
Possible health benefits of natural sweeteners
Possible health concerns with natural sweeteners
Moderation is key
Possible health benefits of natural sweeteners
Natural sugar substitutes may seem healthier than sugar. But their vitamin and mineral content isn't significantly different. For example, honey and sugar are nutritionally similar, and your body processes both into glucose and fructose.
It's OK to choose a natural sweetener based on how it tastes rather than on its health claims. Just try to use any added sweetener sparingly.