Mayo Clinic Care Network Content

Diabetes nutrition: Eating out when you have diabetes

Keep portion sizes in check

Restaurants tend to serve large portions, possibly double what you normally eat or more. Try to eat the same size portions you would if you were eating at home by:

  • Choosing the smallest meal size if the restaurant offers options: for example, a lunch-sized entree
  • Sharing meals with a dining partner or two
  • Requesting a take-home container
  • Making a meal out of a salad or soup and an appetizer
  • Eating slowly so that you'll feel full before you've eaten too much

If you're at an "all you can eat" buffet, it can be difficult to resist overeating. Even a small amount of many foods can add up to lots of calories. When you're at a buffet, the "plate" method can help. Fill up half your plate with nonstarchy vegetables, a quarter with a protein and the final quarter with a starch.

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