Teen weight loss: Healthy habits count
Have a heart-to-heart
Dispute unrealistic images
Resist quick fixes
Promote activity
Suggest breakfast
Encourage smart snacking
Watch portion sizes
Count liquid calories
Make it a family affair
Be positive
Social and psychological impact
Talking about weight
Dieting risks
Family strategies for healthy eating
Promoting activity
The doctor's role
Dispute unrealistic images
Resist quick fixes
Promote activity
Suggest breakfast
Encourage smart snacking
Watch portion sizes
Count liquid calories
Make it a family affair
Be positive
Social and psychological impact
Talking about weight
Dieting risks
Family strategies for healthy eating
Promoting activity
The doctor's role
Suggest breakfast
A nutritious breakfast will give your teen energy to face the day ahead. Even better, it might keep your teen from eating too much later in the day. If your teen resists high-fiber cereal or whole-wheat toast, suggest last night's leftovers. Even a piece of string cheese or a small handful of nuts and a piece or two of fruit can do the job.