Teen weight loss: Healthy habits count
Have a heart-to-heart
Dispute unrealistic images
Resist quick fixes
Promote activity
Suggest breakfast
Encourage smart snacking
Watch portion sizes
Count liquid calories
Make it a family affair
Be positive
Social and psychological impact
Talking about weight
Dieting risks
Family strategies for healthy eating
Promoting activity
The doctor's role
Dispute unrealistic images
Resist quick fixes
Promote activity
Suggest breakfast
Encourage smart snacking
Watch portion sizes
Count liquid calories
Make it a family affair
Be positive
Social and psychological impact
Talking about weight
Dieting risks
Family strategies for healthy eating
Promoting activity
The doctor's role
Watch portion sizes
When it comes to portions, size matters. Encourage your teen to scale back, eat slowly, and stop eating when he or she is full. Try using smaller plates. Add more fruits or vegetables to meals. An occasional indulgence is OK, but even then there's no shame in sharing a meal, ordering a smaller portion or skipping dessert.