Weight-loss goals: Set yourself up for success
Long-term and short term-goals
Focus on process goals
Set SMART goals
Long-term and short-term goals
Allow for setbacks
Reassess and adjust your goals as needed
Focus on process goals
Set SMART goals
Long-term and short-term goals
Allow for setbacks
Reassess and adjust your goals as needed
Focus on process goals
Goals for weight loss can focus on outcomes or the process. An outcome goal — what you hope to achieve in the end — might be to lose a certain amount of weight. While this goal may give you a target, it doesn't address how you will reach it.
A process goal is a necessary step to achieving a desired outcome. For example, a process goal might be to eat five servings of fruits or vegetables a day, to walk 30 minutes a day, or to drink water at every meal. Process goals may be particularly helpful for weight loss because you focus on changing behaviors and habits that are necessary for losing weight.